New beauty work in studio

When one of my stylists, Jenna Baltes, reached out to shoot some new beauty work I jumped at the chance to do something a little different. I really wanted to shoot portraits that focused on beautiful skin and bring some much needed sunshine into the studio while we were waiting for spring to arrive. I put together three simple sets and used lighting inspired by daylight. Natural light comes in endless variations. Cloudy days look different than open shade. Sunlight can be either reflected or absorbed by endless surfaces outdoors. No matter what Iā€™m shooting, I love to create light that feels like it could be found outside using various bounces and reflections combined with harder light sources. Take a peek at some of my favorite shots below.

Styling: Jenna Baltes

Production: Trevor Power

Assistant: Tom Michas

Talent (top row from left): Marijka Munoz (10 MNGMT), Molly Divane (Ford) & Mana Montage (Ford)