This past spring, I had the opportunity to create a brand new image library for Cox communications including images for both their small business and residential communications services. We partnered with FCB to produce a thee day shoot on location that included 26 lifestyle scenarios. I was thrilled to be able to finally work with Mary Beth (below) who has come to dozens of castings over the years. She was absolutely perfect for the role of creative small business owner - and she even brought her own composting bucket to the set which was awesome. We also cast Imani and Andrew Mazzorana - who had a pretty easy time playing siblings since they are brother and sister. In house producer Trevor Power took the lead on pulling a lot of details together - and prop/wardrobe team Lavi and Sebastian Toma went absolutely above and beyond their scope in order to create convincing sets and wardrobe options on a tight schedule. Huge thanks to the crew involved and a fantastic creative team at the agency - we were practically finishing each others sentences and the teamwork really comes through in the final results.
Producer: Trevor Power
Tech: John Burdett
Assistants: Jon Wes, Charles Bouril, Maria Efting, Tom Michas
Stylist Lead: Lavi Toma
Grooming: Lauren Frenden, Kelsey Moravec
Child Wrangler: Meg Grunewald
Crafty: Samantha Long
Locations/MoHo: Levinson Locations